Saturday, May 15, 2010

I am a D!

Well, after the interesting little test that the class and I took, I turned out to be a D. So here I am with Dominance my main trait trying to figure out what it means. I realized that I am a person who always takes the initiative to get tasks done. I always have a say in something that I do, and I usually take full responsibility to get it done. I have no fear of speaking in groups, and am a pretty good public speaker. I hate sitting back and having others take care of the job for me. I NEED to make sure I consent with everything I am a part of, especially if a grade depends on it. As a result, I am a person who tends to be the leader in the group quiet often.
So, I believe the test got it quiet right because I would say I am a D the most out, of all the other traits. I think this trait will be extremely helpful for me in my future. Since I am planning to become a lawyer, these leadership skills will definitely serve me well.
However, I don't know if these tests are the best way to measure a person's character. It did prove right to me, but I am not sure if it will do the same each and every time. Not sure what it it, but the tests keep me a bit skeptical!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Management Poem

Management, oh management how very great you are
For my other classes, you have set the bar.
All that I have learned, I will not forget
Being in this class, I do not regret.
Every class activity was extremely fun
Now I am sad, that this class is done.
We've learned to be a leader, and how to work in teams
This will give us knowledge to fulfill our dreams.
It was interesting to study the management process
And how it could affect and lead to our success.
Through a new perspective, now management I view
Thanks Professor Kurpis, I will remember you!!!

Blog, Blog, Blog

I think Professor Kurpis did some of the most unique things for us during the semester. One being the requirement to write in a blog. The blog was definitely a very interesting component of the class and our grade. Though I did not mind writing my own entries at all, having to respond to other people's blogs was a bit annoying for me. It wasn't because I didn't care about what others wrote, it was just hectic to find the one's I had a good opinion on. Then, I had to print them all out and if I didn't I was in trouble because I had no idea who I wrote to lol. On the other hand, some of the stuff I read about others what very interesting I must say. I did get to know some things about other classmates which was the professors intent. However, it didn't make me socialize with any of those people in class. Who I socialized with was those who sat near me, and those with whom I did group activities with.
The blogging assignments were very useful for making me think about the activities long after we were done with them. By writing the entries, I realized that they were not just for fun, but they were assigned to give us new insight or knowledge of a particular topic. That, the blogs helped me break down and understand. In regards to the reading amount outside of the class, with all other's entries as well as the professors, I definitely thought that there was enough reading.
What I really loved was the fact that if done timely and properly, this was an easy way to get 20% of your grade to be an A. It does take up a lot more time for 20% then an hour test that would probably be worth even more does, but it can be a guaranteed high score. Unlike an exam for which you need to study for and face the chance of scoring low, the blogs didn't require too much difficulty and outside research. To me, this was a great opportunity to get a higher overall class grade.
In all honesty, I enjoyed writing for the blogs but knowing myself I highly doubt that I will come back and write after the class is over. I am so overwhelmed with everything I am going through now with summer classes, LSAT's and applying to law schools that I barely have time for myself. So unfortunately, I do not believe i will keep posting.
Lastly, though this whole blog thing was very time consuming, I really don't believe the professor should change much. It's a good learning experiment, helps people's writing, and although it didn't work for me, it might be a good tool for others to make friends with their classmates. Overall, I am very glad I experienced this type of learning style and thought it was very interesting!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Journey to McDonald's

Going into McDonad’s today was a bit frustrating and worrisome. Making such a specific order which included a small hamburger with exactly four pickles and fries that were well done with no salt was not the nerve wracking part. What I really was not looking forward to, was making sure they made a receipt which stated my exact order. Of course, knowing the type of people who worked at that McDonald’s, I knew this was not going to be much fun. However, to my surprise I was wrong.
After I placed my very specific order, I told the cashier to make sure my receipt reflected my purchase. At first, she said she could not do it, but another employee overheard my request and told her she could. She helped her add the four pickles, which I even had to pay extra for. Next, the second employee showed her how to add “no salt” to the receipt. Unfortunately, neither one of them were able to figure out how to put “well done” on the receipt. For this, I had to get a third person involved. The manager had to come over, write in “well done” and put a signature.
To my surprise, the employees of McDonalds were not as annoyed with me as I envisioned. The woman who took my order, looked annoyed with me, but she didn’t make it a very big deal, nor did she question the necessity of such a specific receipt, which I probably would have done if I was her. The second employee who helped construct the receipt was way to busy to even show any frustration. She just ran up several times to help, and quickly jotted away. Lastly, the manager looked most confused, but she added what was needed and signed without any questions. Though “well done” could not be added through their system, in the end, my order was completed correctly. When I checked my burgher, it indeed had 4 pickles and the fries were well done with absolutely no salt. What amazed me the most was not their ability to complete my order quickly, but it was in the calm way they did so. They did not give me an attitude, and they did try their hardest to fulfill my every request. This made the assignment so much easier then I imagined.
The effectiveness of the manufacturing process was very good. They gave me my exact order in almost the exact same time it would take them to give me the standard hamburger and standard fries. Additionally, it was pretty well organized. On a scale of one through five, one being the lowest and five the highest, I would give them a four for organization. I did not give them a five because it took a few too many people to get involved. The communication was again a four. They clearly understood and communicated my order very well, but it took two people to explain it, which I thought was unnecessary. What I was impressed with was the effectiveness of their customer service. When my cashier was having trouble preparing my receipt, right away another employee jumped in to help, although she was busy with another order. She was very helpful and so was the woman who took my order. For that, I would rate their customer service effectiveness a five.
If I was brought in as a consultant to help McDonald’s efficiency, I would mainly make them aware that people do have special requests and it is not a big deal. I would want them to get use to that, so it would not come as a surprise and as a result less people would have to get involved in the process. I would recommend them to offer the options of altering their orders at no cost, and I would tell them to make sure their systems are able to print receipts which reflected the special orders. Not all people always like that standard McDonald’s hamburger and fries, therefore those who want to modify their orders should be able to do so without feeling the unease that I felt prior to my order. Maybe I just got lucky with the cashier that I had, or maybe that McDonald’s was use to having special orders. Whatever the reason was for my experience to be fine, I am pretty sure it would not be like that each time. Therefore, by educating the employees on special orders, McDonald’s could make the eating and ordering experience more pleasant for everyone!

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Visions, My Actions, My Future

I have several visions of what I want my life and future to look like. By taking several important actions for each, I hope to accomplish them all.
My biggest vision at this time is becoming a successful lawyer. Right now, I try to do well in collage in order to get a good GPA. Then, I am spending the next 4-5 months studying intensely for the LSAT exam which I will be taking in early October. It is extremely vital for me to do well on this exam in order to get into a good law school and land a good job. After 3 hard years of law school, I plan to work for a big company doing corporate law. These are the steps I plan to take in order to make this vision a reality.
Another vision I have for my professional career is owning businesses. I already have my own jewelry business and I plan to expand it even further. In the future I definitely want to have a jewelry boutique, but before that I am taking a few steps to grow this business. Right now, I am trying to build a bigger clientele by having private sales, jewelry parties and getting my items into hair, nail and tanning salons. By taking these actions, I hope that my vision will eventually become a realistic future.
One vision I have for my personal life is to obviously get married, have children and have the ability to EASILY provide them with shelter, food and clothing. Almost my entire life I have been taking actions in order to make this reality. I have went to school and college in order to get an education which will allow me to get a good job. Additionally, going to law school is another action I am taking for this vision.
My visions have a long way to go but with the right motivation, the right attitude and the right actions, they can be as possible as I make them!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Fresh Start

First of all, I named this entry a fresh start because in a way, the professor allowed the class to still earn a good grade even if we did poorly on the first exam. It's as if we got a fresh start because we still have a chance to do well in the class. I thought that the decision making activity was very educational and at the same time benefitial, something I will definitely take away with me after the semester is over.
I personally used the compromise method to handle the situation we were facing. I listened to all the options and opinions carefully and was willing to accept several of the options. I chose this method because in my personal opinion and experience, it is the most successful. I believe that when it is difficult to make a decision, compromising is the best way to go, especially in a scenario like this when people have different grades and liked different parts of the exam (ex: essay, no essay, multiple multiple choice, etc).
Consequently, I still think I would have chosen to use a compromising method because I think it is very fair to meet in the middle. For instance, when nobody could decide what to do with our next exam, we just compromised and decided to leave it up to the professor. I felt like that eliminated the chaos of coming up with a solution some people might not have liked. Compromising makes it equal for all classmates and I believe that is the best solution for eliminating problems of decision making. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is always the best solution, but in our particular case I believe it was.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Planning Of My Group

To be entirely honest, my group and I didn't succeed at building an effective egg protector, however we did work well as a team. We followed all the steps of planning although not realizing it. Obviously we defined our goal, which was to make a great egg protector and get the 5 point extra credit lol. Secondly, we spoke about the limited resources that we had and how we needed to utilize them all in order to build the best cage. Next, we did develop several alternative strategies because we thought about the various types of cages we could make and the impact each would have if we were to drop the egg in it. Step 4 which talks about making a tactical plan was also used by our group. We decided on which cage to make and each and every member had a job to perform. Finally, we implemented the plan by building the cage we agreed on but unfortunately our egg protector was not good enough.
I would say my group did pretty well together. We didn't argue, listened to each person's suggestions and each one of us helped out. It was entirely a group effort as I thought it should of been. By the last minute however, we started to all panic because our egg protector was incomplete and just made almost anything but that's okay because it was fun and educational.
As a group, we could of been more effective if we didn't really change our minds about the cage we wanted to make last minute. We kept thinking a different design would be better and as a result lost a lot of time on that.
This was definitely a very fun experiement =-)